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Veteran Affairs Benefits - www.vamortgagecenter.comTake Advantage of Your Benefits! Qualify Online for VA Loans. Military Veteran Search - vetfriends.com150,000 people visit every month! Military Record info, photos, jokes. ResultsVeteran - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaA veteran (from Latin vetus, meaning old ) is a person who is experienced in a particular area, and is particularly used to refer to people in the armed forces. It often refers to retired service Vietnam veteran - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaVietnam veteran is a phrase used to describe someone who served in the armed forces of participating countries during the Vietnam War. The term is usually associated with veterans who were in the U.S. Department of Veterans AffairsThe US Department of Veterans Affairs provides patient care and federal benefits to veterans and Veteran Edward Wade is registered as a participant at the 21st Annual Veterans Winter Sports Clinic Veteran Benefits - Military Benefits - Military.comThere are currently over 25 million veterans living today and about a quarter of the nation's population -- approximately 70 million people -- are potentially eligible for VA benefits and services Veteran - Military Benefits - Military.comMedical Budget Cuts Hit "The surgeons general of Army, Navy and Air Force have criticized defense officials for imposing $650 million " Full Article |